The Barf Diet

The Barf Diet Ian Billinghurst


The Barf Diet

Raw feeding for dogs and cats

Just say “NO” to grains

Feed your dogs and cats the way Mother Nature intended by eliminating grains and feeding them a BARF, Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, diet. Australian veterinarian, Dr. Ian Billinghurst, long-time champion and international lecturer on the benefits and how-to of feeding raw foods to pets, explains in simple, understandable terms why and how to feed your animals for optimum health. Learn how to create simple, home-prepared meals that mimic the diet of your pets wild ancestors. You will no longer have to rely on mass-produced, often grain-based commercial foods that can compromise your pet’s energy, health, even longevity.

Be inspired by the successes of pet owners, breeders and trainers who feed the BARF diet and report their animals have better energy levels, normalized weight, improved dental health, elimination of skin and ear problems, even overcoming diabetes and improving behavior.

Feeding the BARF diet has been updated in 2016;

*Understand the science behind BARF feeding

*Learn about the wide-ranging benefits raw-feeders have experienced

*Follow the easy steps to get started as well as maintain a BARF diet

*Get answers to dozens of common and uncommon questions that arise when feeding raw

*Covers raw feeding for both dogs and cats

Dr. Ian Billinghurst has a diverse educational background and a varied professional career including that of Nutritionist, Agricultural Scientist, Veterinary Surgeon, Author, Lecturer, Nutritional Consultant and Acupuncturist. His first book on raw feeding, Give Your Dog a Bone, was published in 1993 and has sold more than 100,000 copies. His second book, Grow Your Pups With Bones, was written to meet the needs of breeders. This is his third book. He lives with his wife and pet family in Australia.

Animais de Estimação / Didáticos / Técnico / Línguas Estrangeiras / Não-ficção

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The Barf Diet



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Dragomir Sagrav
cadastrou em:
15/05/2021 06:10:53
Dragomir Sagrav
editou em:
15/05/2021 06:11:24

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