The Blade of Silence

The Blade of Silence Mi Lei...


The Blade of Silence

A perfect mix between Chinese versions of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Silence of the Lambs. The chief of the Public Security Bureau himself shoots a hostage-taker, killing him, but the man's corpse goes missing without a trace. Is this a hoax, or part of a deeper conspiracy? When a popular actress mysteriously disappears, the indecent images sent by her kidnappers are found to contain much more than meets the eye. Can he crack the code in time to save her life? Is he a loyal comrade-in-arms, or a deceptive jackal full of evil intentions? As they sit before a polygraph, a relaxed reminiscence between friends suddenly transforms into a battle of wits; a refrigerator that rumbles on day and night becomes a scene of hellish fright; in a bath house that has never been open for business, apart from the police officer found dead on his feet, another heart continues beating faintly. In the bleak solitude of the mountains, desperate cries fall flat against a tacit silence between heaven and earth. Through that remote village in China on which the sun has never shone flows a dark river. Its waters are churning with violence, blood, and despair. When a person's heart is full of darkness, evil grows there. The guilty one is not the person who commits the crime, but rather the one who created the darkness. Say not that you are innocent. When you choose to become a blind fish in the darkness, then each of usyou, me, and everybody elsebecomes a part of that darkness. Will Fang Mu, who has survived his journey through Profiler and Skinner's Box, continue to choose goodness and strength from the swirling vortex that is his fate?

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03/04/2021 07:56:41

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