The Blind Owl

The Blind Owl Sadegh Hedayat


The Blind Owl

Widely regarded as Sadegh Hedayat's masterpiece, the Blind Owl is the most important work of literature to come out of Iran in the past century. On the surface this work seems to be a tale of doomed love, but with the turning of each page basic facts become obscure and the reader soon realizes this book is much more than a love story. Although the Blind Owl has been compared to the works of the Kafka, Rilke and Poe, this work defies categorization. Lescot's French translation made the Blind Owl world-famous, while D.P. Costello's English translation made it largely accessible. Sadly, this work has yet to find its way into the English pantheon of Classics. This 75th anniversary edition, translated by award-winning writer Naveed Noori and published in conjunction with the Hedayat Foundation, aims to change this and is notable for a number of firsts: *The only translation endorsed by the Sadegh Hedayat Foundation *The first translation to use the definitive Bombay edition (Hedayat's handwritten text) *The only available English translation by a native Persian and English speaker *The preface includes a detailed textual analysis of the Blind Owl Finally, by largely preserving the spirit as well as the structure of Hedayat's writing, this edition brings the English reader into the world of the Hedayat's Blind Owl as never before. Extensive footnotes (explaining Persian words, phrases, and customs ignored in previous translations) provide deeper understanding of this work for both the causal reader and the serious student of literature.

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Resenhas para The Blind Owl (2)

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Bonito e perturbador
on 20/1/24

A escrita muito bonita e profunda, com o conteúdo confuso e perturbador, parece uma alucinação ou bad trip constante. não sei muito o que falar ou como dar nota pq acho que simplesmente não entendi tudo... leia mais


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ranking 36
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ranking 7



cadastrou em:
16/01/2023 16:30:43
editou em:
16/01/2023 16:30:53

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