The Book of You

The Book of You Claire Kendal


The Book of You

Most people dread the prospect of jury duty, but university administrator Clarissa wants nothing more than to be selected for a trial. Every day she serves means a day away from her colleague Rafe, an academic expert on the darker side of folk tales with whom Clarissa spent one drunken night. That encounter only serves to fuel his growing obsession with her, and he is not about to let her slip away.

The Book of You is a riveting portrait of a woman terrorized—emotionally and physically—by a man bent on possessing her. As a disturbingly violent crime unfolds in front of her in court, Clarissa finds herself experiencing an equally harrowing nightmare in real life. Realizing that she bears the burden of proof, she uncovers piece by piece the twisted, macabre fairytale Rafe has spun around them both, discovering that the ending he envisions for them is more awful than she could have ever imagined.

Masterfully constructed, filled with exquisite tension and a pervasive sense of menace, The Book of You explores the darkest corners of the human heart, where the lines between love and compulsion, fantasy and reality, can become dangerously blurred, and offers a moving portrait of a woman's will to survive. Claire Kendal's extraordinary debut will haunt readers long after it reaches its terrifying, breathtaking conclusion.


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The Book of You
The Book of You
The Book of You


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on 1/5/18

Que livro espetacular. A autora escreve tão bem. É muito fácil você entrar na realidade da personagem. Eu senti cada segundo de desespero, impotência e os raros momentos de alívio. De vez em quando me via soltando o ar quando ela, finalmente, estava segura. Mas, em pouco tempo já estava prendendo de novo, esperando o pior em cada frase. A temática vem sendo mais explorada, assim como foi tão bem descrita nesse livro.... leia mais


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15/11/2013 00:10:36

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