The Cairo Puzzle

The Cairo Puzzle Laurence O'Bryan


The Cairo Puzzle

From the award-winning bestselling author of The Istanbul Puzzle. Henry warned her. "If you go to Cairo, you'll get yourself killed." But what choice does Isabel have? She has to find Sean, her missing husband, and she's discovered that a hospital in Cairo treated an American patient recently, flown to Cairo from Germany for some unexplained reason. But she's arrived at the wrong moment. A mass uprising is being crushed in Tahrir Square. The next day, an Egyptian billionaire announces a discovery at the Great Pyramid of Giza. Isabel decides to talk to him. He might help her find Sean. She ends up deep in the desert, at a camp run by the Muslim Brotherhood. They murder her driver in front of her, then ask her to carry one simple task. They will lead her to Sean if she agrees. But what they are asking goes against everything she believes in. And time is running out. The Great Pyramid of Giza provides the final piece of the puzzle, which Isabel and Sean first encountered in Istanbul. In a fabled hall, assumed by most to be an ancient myth, Isabel finds out what happened to her husband. She also discovers what lies beneath the Great Pyramid, based on real, ground penetrating archaeology, which will undermine what millions cherish as the truth. Reviews for other novels in the Puzzle series: "5.0 out out 5 stars for this guy's stories and plots." Kindle Customer - Verified Purchase "Love this guy's stories. I have read all volumes of this series and was not disappointed with any of them. Looking forward to the next one." 5.0 out of 5 stars Kindle Customer - Verified Purchase "Could not put this book away, held my attention from the first page to the last one. Can't wait to read more from this author." Kindle Customer - Verified Purchase

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