The Certainty of Violet and Luke

The Certainty of Violet and Luke Jessica Sorensen


The Certainty of Violet and Luke (The Coincidence #5)

Violet Hayes’s life is a mess. Between her stalker, Preston, refusing to leave her alone, her parents’ case still being unsolved, and falling behind in school, she always feels on the verge of losing it. When some unexpected news comes her way, it’s the final straw and she ends up doing something that almost costs her life. Thankfully, she survives and makes a promise to herself to put her life back together and to try and figure out exactly how she feels about Luke Price, the one person that’s always there for her.

But as a recovering alcoholic and gambler, Luke has his own struggles to overcome. He’s also fallen in love with Violet, but fears telling her the truth, that it will scare her away or worse, she won’t reciprocate the feeling. Plus, there never seems to be a right time to say it, either the case, Preston, or life getting in the way.

Can the two of them ever get enough peace in their lives to conquer their fears and finally tell each other the truth about how they feel?


Edições (1)

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The Certainty of Violet and Luke


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Resenhas para The Certainty of Violet and Luke (4)

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Depois da dor florescer o amor
on 8/4/20

Depois de tudo que aconteceu Eles são pessoas desconfiada Com bastante dor Trauma Tiveram uma infância difícil Aprenderam a fugir dos sentimentos E sobre ter a sua própria destruição Essa série é maravilhosa Autora tem um toque leve mais sério Sobre vários problemas na vida real .mais uma vez ela ensinar que nem tudo está quebrado Que todos temos problemas O que está quebrado pode ser colado Duas pessoas fodidas pela vida poderam ter um final feliz? Juntos poderam salvar um ao ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 88
ranking 31
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ranking 6
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Mí Meireles
cadastrou em:
05/02/2014 19:39:13
editou em:
31/07/2015 02:34:07

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