The Christmas Wager

The Christmas Wager Holly Cassidy


The Christmas Wager

A delightful enemies-to-lovers holiday rom com set in the quaint mountain town of Maple Falls, Colorado, about a city girl and a small-town boy who compete in the town’s annual holiday games in order to win the right price for a charming, local Christmas shop, perfect for fans of The Hating Game and The Twelve Dates of Christmas.

One rivalry. Eight days until Christmas. Let the holiday games begin.

When L.A.-based real estate developer Bella Ross arrives in the sleepy mountain town of Maple Falls, she has one mission: to acquire the local failing Christmas shop, Always Noelle, securing the promotion of her dreams. Nothing can get in her way. Except the shop owner’s stubborn grandson, Jesse Harrison.

Both refuse to budge, until an unlikely wager is struck: Bella and Jesse will compete in the Maple Falls Holiday Games, an annual tradition of eccentric feats of strength and skills. Winner decides the selling price. They’ll give each other a run for their money, but as the competition heats up, Bella and Jesse’s icy feelings toward each other begin to thaw. It’ll take a Christmas miracle for them to admit there’s a spark, but what if it’s just another game?


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The Christmas Wager


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Tinha tudo pra ser incrível
on 22/12/23

O cenário desse livro é mágico. A vibe de um lugar aconchegante é incrível. Os prota se detestando e competindo para depois evoluir para um romance é interessante de acompanhar. As competições de natal também foram divertidas e a evolução da mocinha foi um ponto alto aqui. Porém, o final, pra mim, foi meio decepcionante. As atitudes do mocinho foi frustrante. Esperava mais dele e foi um balde de água fria. A nota caiu muito por conta disso e acabou com toda a "magia" de um livro fofo d... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 1
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Pam Lisbano
cadastrou em:
13/10/2023 19:36:39
Pam Lisbano
editou em:
13/10/2023 19:36:53

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