The Comic Con

The Comic Con Dee Lagasse


The Comic Con

Birdie Yamamoto has lived in a fantasy world for as long as she can remember.

When she was a young child, she buried herself in comic books. As a teenager, she created stories of her own. Now she has her dream job, as a series writer for Suffra-Jette -- her very own comic.

Atticus Cohen has perfected the art of pretending to be someone he’s not.

The rising Hollywood actor lands the role of a lifetime – a lead in the latest big budget superhero movie: Suffra-Jette. The rigorous workouts, grueling schedule, and relentless press are all things he expects when he takes the job.

What he doesn’t expect is comic creator, Birdie Yamamoto, to have an opinion about everything he says or does.

When word spreads about the trouble on set, fans of the beloved comic begin to worry about the outcome of the movie.

Birdie and Atticus may not always be on the same page, but they both want the movie to succeed. So when Birdie’s best friend suggests they pretend to date to save the movie, they agree.

After all, it’s just a publicity stunt to spin the bad press.

…Until it isn’t anymore.

NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Due to the nature of the content within The Comic Con, it may be placed in certain comic book-related categories. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the comic industry and I would never want someone to feel this book is being sold under false pretense.
The Comic Con is a full-length contemporary romance novel with a protagonist who is a comic book writer. It is not a comic book. It is not a graphic novel.

Humor, Comédia / Romance

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The Comic Con


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praticamente uma fanfic
on 18/5/22

Gostosinho de ler, o plot prometeu bastante e eu fiquei bem animada para iniciar a leitura. No entanto, todos os acontecimentos da história aconteceram extremamente rápido e não senti que a construção dos eventos foram feitas de uma maneira que lesse verdadeiro. Eu gostei dos personagens principais individualmente, mas juntos? Não sei. Achei levemente forçado, do tipo de casal que só ficou junto porque a autora quis muito e não porque tinham uma real conexão ali. E não gostei que só... leia mais


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Jessica Hellen
cadastrou em:
18/05/2022 10:30:58
Jessica Hellen
editou em:
18/05/2022 10:31:15

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