The Complete Makanza Series

The Complete Makanza Series Krista Street


The Complete Makanza Series

A deadly virus, a sweeping love story, and one woman's determination that sparks a political movement to save them all. In a society ruled by sanctions and curfews, Dr. Meghan Forester emerges as the youngest and most promising scientist to join the fight against Makanza-the deadly virus that's ravaged the world. Inside Compound 26, a giant government-controlled research facility, Meghan's new job involves studying the Kazzies, the rare survivors who carry the virus and now exhibit supernatural powers. But as her work unfolds, Meghan's horrified at the brutal and unethical practices the Kazzies are subjected to. And most surprisingly, she falls in love with one. Faced with growing conflict over helping the Kazzies versus following the Compound's strict policies, Meghan must choose: obey the government's unethical practices or risk everything to save the only man she's ever loved. If you love epic sagas, women who rise to the top to prove their place in this world, and love stories that will shatter your heart before putting it back together, The Complete Makanza Series is a must read. This paperback includes all FIVE books in the Makanza Series: Book 0-The Second Wave Book 1-Compound 26 Book 2-Reservation 1 Book 3-Section 12 Book 4-Division 5 Excerpt: Pain filled his eyes. "You can't fight for me forever, Meghan. You have your own life too. A life that has nothing to do with me." I pulled back as if burned. "Don't say that!" I whispered fiercely. "Why can't I? You know the rules. Only Kazzies are allowed here. You and I..." A muscle ticked in his jaw. "You and I will become a thing of the past. Even though we-" He shook his head and, in one of his lightning-fast moves, materialized on the other side of his cell. "No. There's no use talking about it. It can never be." My heart pounded as his words sank in. "I promised I'd get you out of here, even if it was the last thing I did on this earth." Tears filled my eyes. "I intend to keep that promise."

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