The Cuckoo

The Cuckoo Camilla Lackberg


The Cuckoo (Patrik Hedstrom #11)

A community torn apart

As a heavy mist rolls into the Swedish coastal town of Fjällbacka, shocking violence shakes the small community to its core. Rolf Stenklo, a famous photographer, is found murdered in his gallery. Two days later, a brutal tragedy on a private island leaves the prestigious Bauer family devastated.

A town full of secrets

With his boss acting strangely, Detective Patrik Hedström is left to lead the investigation. Tensions rise threatening cracks in the team of officers at Tanumshede police station and pressure mounts as the press demand answers.

A reckoning in blood

In pursuit of inspiration for her next true-crime book, Patrik’s wife Erica Falck leaves behind their three children and travels to Stockholm to research the unsolved decades-old murder of a figure from Rolf’s past. As Erica searches for the truth, she realizes that her mystery is connected to Patrik’s case. These threads from the past are woven into the present and old sins leave behind long shadows.

Crime / Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

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The Cuckoo


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2 weeks, 2 days ago

São 11 livros só dessa série, então eu acho que é normal começar a pensar como a Camilla e adivinhar mais rápido os assassinos haha eu achei um livro intrigante, diferente dos últimos que eu li e, no geral, eu gostei! Acho que ela enrolou em alguns momentos, ela sempre tem descrições demais (especialmente sobre PESO MEU DEUS EU NÃO AGUENTO), mas okay. Eu ainda acho que os primeiros livros têm um peso maior, é normal que a série vá perdendo força, mas eu gostei.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 1
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Caroline Meirelles
cadastrou em:
16/05/2024 21:27:59
Caroline Meirelles
editou em:
16/05/2024 21:28:16

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