The Earl I Ruined

The Earl I Ruined Scarlett Peckham


The Earl I Ruined (The Secrets of Charlotte Street #2)

She's beautiful, rich, and reckless...

When Lady Constance Stonewell accidentally ruins the Earl of Apthorp's entire future with her gossip column, she does what any honorable young lady must: offer her hand in marriage. Or, at the very least, stage a whirlwind fake engagement to repair his reputation. Never mind that it means spending a month with the dullest man in England. Or the fact that he disapproves of everything she holds dear.

He's supposedly the most boring politician in the House of Lords...

Julian Haywood, the Earl of Apthorp, is on the cusp of finally proving himself to be the man he's always wanted to be when his future is destroyed in a single afternoon. When the woman he's secretly in love confesses she's at fault, it isn't just his life that is shattered: it's his heart.

They have a month to clear his name and convince society they are madly in love...

But when Constance discovers her faux-intended is decidedly more than meets the eye--not to mention adept at shocking forms of wickedness--she finds herself falling for him.

There's only one problem: he can't forgive her for breaking his heart.


Edições (1)

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The Earl I Ruined


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Resenhas para The Earl I Ruined (9)

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Leve! Doce! Divertido!
on 7/6/21

Cara, eu realmente preciso começar a escrever resenhas logo depois de terminar um livro. Se vc me acompanha, sabe que essas ultimas resenhas que fiz, tem um lapso de meses, ou seja, não recordo com precisão a historia. Constance me representa neste mundo! hahaha Quanta inteligência e sagacidade. Eu gostei demais dessa personagem e de seu protagonismo nessa historia. Desde o 1º livro dessa série, eu sabia que a história desses dois seria intensa. Apthorp é apaixonante. Descrito de fo... leia mais


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21/03/2020 12:10:54