The Emancipation of Love

The Emancipation of Love Mary E. Palmerin


The Emancipation of Love

(Monster, #2)

I am a monster. A sexual deviant. A gorger for pain. I am Worthless William Welch.

But I am hers…

Ten years since Welch has seen Gwendolyn, he finds himself in Portland, the same city they were supposed to live together; just two bloody lovers against the ghastly ways of the world. But that isn’t how their story would pan out, and Welch troubles himself everyday with memoirs of the only one that will have his heart.

His sweet, sweet girl. Fiery Gwendolyn is gone and he is alone with nothing to occupy him except memories.

As he tries to grasp onto the recollections while simultaneously forgetting the pain he was bathed in for so long, he searches for a woman that will give him the agony he so desperately craves. You know what they say… be careful what you wish for.

As Welch pushes an unlikely woman to the brink, he is surprised at her eagerness as she gives him what he longs for. Punishment, pain, and pleasure. He becomes enveloped by the demons of his past, the torment of his current, and the ghost in his mind that he refuses to part from.

Reverted back to the dysfunctional little boy who obeys, Welch finds himself in a disastrous cycle while the edge of goodness is within reach. Will it be too late for him to find love before he breaks himself down to a point of no return?

**Reader discretion advised. Strong language and adult content.**

Literatura Estrangeira

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The Emancipation of Love


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