The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence

The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence Storm Constantine


The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence (Wraeththu Histories #3)

As Wraeththu struggle to uncover the secret of their origins, it is now time for second generation hara of this hermaphrodite race to make their mark on history.

Darquiel har Aralis lives among the hidden tribe of Olopade, in ignorance of who his family is. All he knows is that he was brought to Samway even before he emerged from his pearl, and that his parents might be dead or disgraced - but were surely famous. As he grows up, Darq realises he is different to any other har. After a disastrous attempt to incept his closest friend, the human girl Amelza, he attracts the attention of the mysterious and powerful Thiede, and learns that his origins are more astounding than he imagined. Shadowy factions and bizarre entities wish to take control of him, and he must disappear into the ancient landscape of Anakhai until his powers have developed and he is strong enough to confront these dangerous forces. Among the Nezreka, a tribe steeped in wolf magic, Darq begins to learn of his destiny and meets his match in a har who was a prime mover of Wraeththu when they first erupted into the world.

Loki har Aralis is the favoured son of the Tigrons in Immanion, but he too is unaware of his real heritage, or the secrets that surrounded his creation. He is abducted from home to the stark realm of Thanatep, where forests of ancient towers are all that remain of a race that once controlled the life essence of multiple realms.

Geburael har Teraghast is the high son of Tigron Pellaz, but holds his family in contempt. Living in exile with his half brother, the peculiar Diablo, Geburael believes that the great Aralisian dynasty in Immanion must fall, and he is more than prepared to be instrumental in its destruction. His first and perhaps greatest task will be to convince Loki he should feel the same way.

Meanwhile, the Kamagrian Lileem uncovers the greatest secret of all in the realm of the Black Library, and catalyses events that will bring the three young hara into conflict, the outcome of which will decide the fate of all Wraeththu on earth.

Distopia / Ficção científica / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Ghosts of Blood & Innocence
The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence


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cadastrou em:
24/01/2010 20:25:00
editou em:
16/11/2022 00:18:10

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