The Girl From Number 22: A heart-warming saga of friendship, love and community (English Edition)

The Girl From Number 22: A heart-warming saga of friendship, love and community (English Edition) Joan Jonker


The Girl From Number 22: A heart-warming saga of friendship, love and community (English Edition)

New neighbours. New drama. New love. The Girl From Number 22 is a warm-hearted and touching story of a community triumphing over adversity, from one of Liverpool's best-loved authors, Joan Jonker. Perfect for fans of Katie Flynn and Rosie Goodwin. It's the end of an era for Ada Fenwick and Hetty Watson when their neighbour Eliza Porter decides to leave her home after nigh on sixty years. The new family who moves into Eliza's old house seems quiet and respectable at first. Ada and Hetty welcome them as friends, while Ada's son Danny can't help but notice the pretty girl from Number 22. But all is not what it seems. For Tom Phillips is a bullying drunkard and his wife and children live in fear of his violent attacks. When Ada and Hetty find out, they rally the neighbours to help protect the family. Then fate steps in and life for the Phillips family changes for ever. What readers are saying about The Girl From Number 22: 'The story was brilliant, the characters lovable and humorous, I really couldn't put this book down... I even took it on the bus to work with me! Joan Jonker always writes a good read and this is no exception, for any Joan fans or for any new ones this is a definite must have!' 'Never get bored reading Joan's books'

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The Girl From Number 22: A heart-warming saga of friendship, love and community (English Edition)



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04/05/2021 05:36:26

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