The Good Girl’s Guide to Rakes

The Good Girl’s Guide to Rakes Eva Leigh


The Good Girl’s Guide to Rakes (Last Chance Scoundrels #1)

When Kieran Ransome’s latest antics result in a massive scandal, his father issues an ultimatum: find a respectable wife or inherit nothing. But as one of London’s most inveterate scoundrels, Kieran doesn’t know any ladies who fit the bill. Or does he?

Celeste Kilburn is a society darling, beloved by influential members of the ton. But keeping a spotless reputation leaves little room for adventure and she longs to escape her gilded cage, especially with her impending engagement to a stuffy earl. When Kieran—her older brother’s best friend and an irresistibly attractive rogue—begs for her help, Celeste makes a deal: she’ll introduce him to the right social circles if he’ll show her the scandalous side of London.

In between proper teas and garden parties, Kieran escorts Celeste—disguised as “Salome”—to rowdy gaming hells, wild fêtes, and sensual art salons. As they spend more time together, their initial attraction builds to a desperate desire that neither can ignore. But when someone discovers their midnight exploits, Celeste’s freedom and reputation are endangered, and Kieran must save the woman he loves… respectable or not.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Good Girl’s Guide to Rakes
The Good Girl


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on 5/3/22

acho que consegui identificar por que não consigo me apegar tanto às histórias dessa autora. ela faz com que o plot inicial que está na sinopse seja todo o conteúdo do livro, o que acaba deixando tudo meio monótono. não tem muita trama secundária relevante e chega na metade do livro eu já cansei daquele enredo porque todo capítulo parece igual. por exemplo, num outro livro que li dela os protagonistas iam fazer uma viagem e ela perdurou isso por uns 85% da narrativa. eu gostaria que ma... leia mais


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