The Harrowing

The Harrowing Alexandra Sokoloff


The Harrowing

Mendenhall echoes with the footsteps of the last home-bound students heading off for Thanksgiving break, and Robin Stone swears she can feel the creepy, hundred-year old residence hall breathe a sigh of relief for its long-awaited solitude. Or perhaps it's only gathering itself for the coming weekend.
As a massive storm dumps rain on the isolated campus, four other lonely students reveal themselves: Patrick, a handsome jock; Lisa, a manipulative tease; Cain, a brooding musician; and finally Martin, a scholarly eccentric. Each has forsaken a long weekend at home for their own secret reasons.
The five unlikely companions establish a tentative rapport, but they soon become aware of a sixth presence disturbing the ominous silence that pervades the building. Are they victims of a simple college prank taken way too far, or is the unusual energy evidence of something genuine - and intent on using the five students for its own terrifying ends? It's only Thursday afternoon, and they have three long days and dark nights before the rest of the world returns to find out what's become of them. But for now it's just the darkness keeping company with five students nobody wants -- and no one will miss.

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The Harrowing


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on 28/7/10

Cinco estudantes, forçados a passar o feriado de Ação de Graças nos alojamentos desertos da universidade, se deparam com o fantasma de um antigo aluno. Sokoloff, roteirista de formação, sabe conduzir bem a trama vira-página neste seu romance de estreia, apesar dos personagens que beiram o estereótipo: temos a virgem tímida, o nerd cético, a piranha sedutora, o atleta garanhão e o músico angustiado. É uma mistura de Poltergeist com O Clube dos Cinco, mas que em alguns momentos lembr... leia mais


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Marcelo Augusto
cadastrou em:
28/07/2010 16:36:57

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