The Healing Power of Sugar

The Healing Power of Sugar C. L. Stone


The Healing Power of Sugar (The Ghost Bird #9)

It’s been a week since Sang has attended any classes at Ashley Waters, and since then, everything has changed. Her school schedule has been turned upside down, and now, thanks to her absences, the school counselor, Ms. Wright, has suspended her. The fear of school officials getting further involved and looking to contact her parents has Sang and the boys forced into their best behavior. It seems that the once perfect student, Sang Sorenson, is now one of the school’s worst, and without explanation, because she needs to keep her lips tightly sealed. Academy secrets are becoming hazardous to keep.

The more that Kota, Victor, Silas, Nathan, Gabriel, Luke and North try to protect her, the more inevitable her downfall seems to be. They do their best to make sure Sang stays in school and when she returns to classes, try to help her get back on the straight and narrow—she can’t afford to screw up anymore.

But then fate deals out a setback that cripples the whole team, and they need to make a move, it turns into a risky one. There’s no way to predict the outcome. If they fail, the boys may lose the job they were sent to do, and worse, they may even lose Sang.

Everything gets more difficult when it’s revealed there might be a traitor amidst the group. Desperate to fix things, Sang needs to stop the group from spilling secrets and find out the truth.

And why all fingers seem to be pointing to Luke.

The Academy, Magnanimous

Literatura Estrangeira / Ficção / Jovem adulto

Edições (1)

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The Healing Power of Sugar


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on 15/4/21

Os garotos continuam sendo meus chuchus, Volto e os outros "vilões" estão arrasando, Sang esta se abrindo mais e mais e o capitulo sobre o dia de ação de graças deixou meu coracao quentinho ... leia mais


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19/12/2015 22:56:15