The Heir The Fae Forgot

The Heir The Fae Forgot Eden Beck...


The Heir The Fae Forgot (A Court of Thieves and Traitors #2)

A stolen crown awaits…if I can continue to live long enough to claim it.

The Lord of the Wildness has finally gotten what he wants. He has me in his grasp, and he’s going to do everything he can to keep me there.

I was warned not to trust Icarus—to fear him, even—but he’s the only fae willing to give me answers. I’m not afraid of him, but his powers are another thing entirely.

Shiel was right about that, at least.

The dark court is a place of mystery as much as it is danger, but at least it doesn’t try to hide what it is. The same can’t be said of the fae who rescued me.

Shiel lied to me. He spoke of a duty to the kingdom, but the only master he serves is himself. He’s one of the fae lords out to use me for his own gain, a ruthless warrior willing to do anything to secure the safety of his own court. I might be able to forgive him if he was willing to admit it. Maybe.

I made the mistake of trusting him once. I won’t make that mistake again.

Not with him. Not with anyone.

I’ve survived worse than what this new world and its glamour can throw at me.

These are courts of traitors, and if I’m going to survive amidst them, I’m going to have to be a traitor, too.

Even if that starts with betraying my own heart, the part of me these fae seem most determined to break first.

The Heir The Fae Forgot is the second book in A Court of Thieves and Traitors, a slow burn (but extra spicy) dark enemies-to-lovers fantasy romance series with multiple love interests, hidden powers, handsome dark-haired villains … and most importantly, a FMC determined not to let anything stand in the way of destiny.

Fantasia / Romance

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The Heir The Fae Forgot



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cadastrou em:
28/07/2023 21:58:09
editou em:
28/07/2023 21:58:24

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