The House Beyond The Dune

The House Beyond The Dune Mary Burton


The House Beyond The Dune

Lane McCord wakes up in a hospital having survived a near-fatal fall at a North Carolina beach cottage. Her boyfriend, Kyle, wasn’t so lucky. A senseless tragedy on their first romantic getaway. All Lane remembers is lying at the bottom of the stairs in Kyle’s pooling blood.

Confused and grieving, Lane plans to return to the cottage, collect her personal belongings, and get out. Until a winter rainstorm leaves her stranded and vulnerable, but not alone. A concerned neighbor, who claims he heard a violent argument before the accident, has come out of the storm. So has a suspicious detective on the trail of a missing woman, whose diary deepens the mystery—and raises more questions that fill Lane with dread.

How well did she know Kyle? How well does she know herself? What really happened at the cottage on the beach? And when the answers come, who can Lane trust to get out of this waking nightmare alive?

Suspense e Mistério

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The House Beyond the Dunes
The House Beyond The Dune


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Depois de sobreviver a uma queda quase fatal Lane acorda e descobre que seu namorado Kyle não teve a mesma sorte e não sobreviveu a queda. A única memória que ela tem do acidente é de acordar no meio do sangue de Kyle. Depois de sair do hospital, de luto e ainda sem memória do acidente, ela volta para a casa onde o acidente aconteceu para recolher seus pertences. Depois de uma tempestade ela acaba ficando presa na casa mas não sozinha. Um vizinho preocupado tenta ajudar ela e conta... leia mais


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Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah
cadastrou em:
28/11/2023 02:00:08
Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah
editou em:
28/11/2023 02:01:53

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