The Key-Lock Man (Louis L

The Key-Lock Man (Louis L'Amour Lost Treasures): A Novel (Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures) (English Edition) Louis L'Amour


The Key-Lock Man (Louis L'Amour Lost Treasures): A Novel (Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures) (English Edition)

The classic Western, now newly repackaged as part of Bantam's Louis L'Amour's Lost Treasures programwith never-before-seen material from Louis and his son, Beau L'Amour. He had led the posse for miles through the desert, but now Matt Keelock was growing desperate. He was worried about Kristina. His trip to the town of Freedom for supplies had ended in a shootout. If caught he would hang. Even though Kris could handle a horse and rifle as well as most men, the possibility of Oskar Neerland's finding her made Matt's blood run cold. He knew the violent and obsessive Neerland, publicly embarrassed when Matt had stepped in and stolen Kris away, would try to kill them both if given half a chance. Matt tried to convince himself that Neerland had returned to the East. But Matt was wrong. Miles away in the town of Freedom, Oskar Neerland was accepting a new job. In his first duty as marshal, he would lead the posse that was tracking down Matt Keelock. Louis LAmours Lost Treasures is a project created to release some of the authors more unconventional manuscripts from the family archives. In Louis LAmours Lost Treasures: Volume 1 and Volume 2, Beau LAmour takes the reader on a guided tour through many of the finished and unfinished short stories, novels, and treatments that his father was never able to publish during his lifetime. LAmours never-before-seen first novel, No Traveller Returns, faithfully completed for this program, is a voyage into danger and violence on the high seas. Additionally, many beloved classics will be rereleased with an exclusive Lost Treasures postscript featuring previously unpublished material, including outlines, plot notes, and alternate drafts. These postscripts tell the story behind the stories that millions of readers have come to know and cherish.

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The Key-Lock Man (Louis L



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