The King of Fear

The King of Fear Drew Chapman


The King of Fear

The blistering sequel to The Ascendant: An action-packed thriller starring a bond trader turned antihero. Unlikely patriot Garrett Reilly can identify threats against America from both inside and outside the nation's borders. But now the whole world's economy is at risk Garrett Reilly sees what others do not: numbers, patterns, a nation on the brink of collapse. His unique talents saved countries from falling into a world war in The Ascendant. But it also made him a marked man?marked by terrorist groups; marked by the US Government. Then Garrett recognizes a string of events leading to a logic bomb, a malevolent code buried deep in the American economic system with the power to cripple the social and economic structures holding the nation in place. Banks would close, gas stations and grocery shelves would lie empty, total chaos could engulf society within a matter of days. Garrett and the Ascendant team reunite to face enemies on all sides: a wounded Russia bent on keeping its crumbling empire in place, a cyber genius fixated on Garrett, a femme fatale willing to do anything to establish a new world order. In the threat of international cyber risks, and confusion over allegiance and his own personal relationships, Garrett must also confront the faith he has in those around him. After all, it only takes one card to make the whole house fall A hero with complete disregard for rules and boundaries, Garrett Reilly does have an innate sense of justice. Drew Chapman's rogue genius gives readers a wild ride through the headlines of our times (Kirkus Reviews on The Ascendant) and this sequel will not disappoint.

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João gregorio
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19/02/2021 12:41:00

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