The Last Daughter

The Last Daughter Alexis L. Menard


The Last Daughter #1

She's cursed with a dead witch's power over fate, he's a heartless demigod born for revenge and redemption. Once her enemy, now a conflict of interest. The fate of the Nine Realms dangles on a dangerously thin thread.

Fate was cruel enough by dealing Ailsa with a fatal illness. But when her father and sisters are killed at war, she becomes the Last Daughter in a long line of shieldmages. This power comes with a price, however, coincidentally getting her kidnapped by an elfin she’s only heard of through legends.

Vali's realm is dying, inflicted by the black magic, sedir, and the only way to heal his land is by delivering the Tether to Odin, king of the gods. When he finds this power bound inside a mortal woman, he is forced to bring her and her shapeshifting wolven back to his home in Alfheim.

But their journey across the Tree of Life is perilous, and betrayal is imminent. Vali and Ailsa must depend on each other for survival, a mutual dependency that turns into a passionate love affair. With Odin waiting on this promised power, a kindred spirit found in her enemy, and a dark threat neither Ailsa nor Vali intended to find in the bright lands of Alfheim, what started as a simple quest has turned into a fight to save all gods, mortals, and fae alike. Vikings meets magic in this fresh retelling of Norse Mythology.

Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Last Daughter


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Diferente e com um casal top
on 21/4/23

Esse livro foi o meu primeiro contato com a mitología nórdica e eu simplesmente amei! O livro tem uma história bem original, mesmo trazendo alguns clichês que a gente ama. A mocinha é super forte e o mocinho, vilão para muitos, é cadelinho dela. Eu amei, ansiosa para ler o próximo. Dei 4.5, pois algumas descrições foram cansativas.... leia mais


Informações não disponíveis
Avaliações 3.4 / 36
ranking 11
ranking 42
ranking 42
ranking 6
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
09/01/2023 22:04:54
editou em:
09/01/2023 22:05:42

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