The Last List of Mabel Beaumont

The Last List of Mabel Beaumont Laura Pearson


The Last List of Mabel Beaumont

The list he left had just one item on it. Or, at least, it did at first…
Mabel Beaumont’s husband Arthur loved lists. He’d leave them for her everywhere. ‘Remember: eggs, butter, sugar’. ‘I love you: today, tomorrow, always’.

But now Arthur is gone. He died: softly, gently, not making a fuss. But he’s still left her a list. This one has just one item on it though: ‘Find D’.

Mabel feels sure she knows what it means. She must track down her best friend Dot, who she hasn’t seen since the fateful day she left more than sixty years ago.

It seems impossible. She doesn’t even know if Dot’s still alive. Also, every person Mabel talks to seems to need help first, with missing husbands, daughters, parents. Mabel finds her list is just getting longer, and she’s still no closer to finding Dot.

What she doesn’t know is that her list isn’t just about finding her old friend. And that if she can admit the secrets of the past, maybe she could even find happiness again…

A completely heartbreaking, beautiful, uplifting story, guaranteed to make you smile but also make you cry. Perfect for fans of My Name is Ove, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, and The Keeper of Stories.


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The Last List of Mabel Beaumont


Resenhas para The Last List of Mabel Beaumont (2)

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on 7/12/23

O plot até poderia ter dado certo, mas a autora não focou no que tinha de bom na história. Conhecer a perspectiva de uma mulher idosa frente à incerteza do futuro e aos fardos do passado não deveria ser um convite ao tédio, mas nesse caso foi. Pensei em abandonar esse livro várias vezes porque eu realmente não fui cativado por nada. Li tudo no automático e, no fim, sinto que não valeu a pena ter lido. O enredo parte do lugar nenhum para chegar ao nada, com uma trama mal conduzida qu... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
22/10/2023 08:46:45
editou em:
22/10/2023 08:46:58

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