The Night Tiger

The Night Tiger Yangsze Choo


The Night Tiger

When 11-year-old Ren’s master dies, he makes one last request of his Chinese houseboy: that Ren find his severed finger, lost years ago in an accident, and reunite it with his body. Ren has 49 days, or else his master’s soul will roam the earth, unable to rest in peace.

Ji Lin always wanted to be a doctor, but as a girl in 1930s Malaysia, apprentice dressmaker is a more suitable occupation. Secretly, though, Ji Lin also moonlights as a dancehall girl to help pay off her beloved mother’s Mahjong debts. One night, Ji Lin’s dance partner leaves her with a gruesome souvenir: a severed finger. Convinced the finger is bad luck, Ji Lin enlists the help of her erstwhile stepbrother to return it to its rightful owner.

As the 49 days tick down, and a prowling tiger wreaks havoc on the town, Ji Lin and Ren’s lives intertwine in ways they could never have imagined. Propulsive and lushly written, The Night Tiger explores colonialism and independence, ancient superstition and modern ambition, sibling rivalry and first love. Braided through with Chinese folklore and a tantalizing mystery, this novel is a page-turner of the highest order.

Fantasia / Ficção

Edições (1)

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The Night Tiger


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Bem decepcionante
on 5/5/23

Pequenos spoilers sobre o romance, mas é tão óbvio desde o começo o que vai acontecer que nem sei se dá pra considerar spoiler de verdade. Eu achei a ideia desse livro super interessante. Não conheço muito sobre as crenças da Malásia e estava esperando vê-las brilhar na história. Bem, definitivamente tem elementos de cultura asiática de sobra no livro, mas eles não brilham. Na verdade, nada brilhou no livro pra mim. Ele não retrata a Malásia de 1930 o suficiente para ler como uma rom... leia mais


Avaliações 3.4 / 20
ranking 20
ranking 45
ranking 15
ranking 20
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cadastrou em:
24/05/2018 11:46:05
Mirella | @readingmirella
editou em:
11/01/2021 18:02:30