The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting

The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting Evanna Lynch


The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting

The Tragedy and the Glory of Growing Up; A Memoir

Evanna Lynch's casting as Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter films is a tale that grew to almost mythic proportions--a legend of how she faced disordered eating as a young girl, found solace in a beloved book series, and later landed the part of her favorite character. But that is not the whole story.

Even after recovery, there remains a conflict at her core: a bitter struggle between the pursuit of perfection and the desire to fearlessly embrace her creative side. Revealing a startlingly accomplished voice, Lynch delves into the heart of her relationship with her body. As she takes the reader through a personal journey of leaving behind the safety of girlhood, Lynch explores the pivotal choices that ultimately led her down the path of creativity and toward acceptance of the wild, sensual, and unpredictable reality of womanhood.

Honest, electrifying, and inspiring, this is a story of the battle between self-destruction and creation, of giving up the preoccupation with perfection in favor of our uncharted dreams--and how the simple choice to create is the most liberating action a person can take.

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The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting


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Enganado pela Luna de HP!
on 20/8/23

Luna Lovegood é um adorável personagem de Harry Potter. Como fã da saga e depois de ler elogios ao livro escrito pela atriz que faz o papel resolvi, ler o livro. 480 páginas depois aqui estou eu decepcionado com minhas expectativas! Imaginei, por minha conta e risco, que a atriz que encarnou personagem tão adorável só poderia escrever um livro compatível com o personagem. Grande erro! O livro autobiográfico é a história de uma garota anoréxica. Essa condição permeia o livro inteiro. No... leia mais


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Fabi Luques
cadastrou em:
29/10/2021 10:21:47
Fabi Luques
editou em:
29/10/2021 10:22:09