The Other Brain:

The Other Brain: R. Douglas Fields


The Other Brain:

From Dementia to Schizophrenia, How New Discoveries about the Brain Are Revolutionizing Medicine and...

From Booklist:
For a hundred years, since Camillo Golgi developed an efficient method of studying brain tissue under the microscope, the specialized brain cells called neurons have been the de facto stars of neuroscience. With the capability for observing live electrical signals between neurons and their associated synapses, it has been assumed that neurons form the cellular wiring that houses the mind. Now, as researcher Fields illustrates in this fascinating overview of contemporary neuroscience, a new and equally vital team of costars in brain functionality is emerging: glial cells, or, simply, glia. Once deemed valuable only as “packing material” or nutritional support for neurons, glia are being recognized for their critical role in everything from childhood learning to mental illness. In 16 absorbing and accessible chapters, Fields gives life to a potentially dry medical topic by eavesdropping on the work of other neuroscientists, past and present, and shows how penetrating glia's secrets offers hope for breakthroughs in healing Alzheimer’s, brain tumors, and even spinal cord injuries. Highly recommended, especially to science lovers and medical professionals. --Carl Hays

"A compelling, entertaining and information-rich narrative that explains why the brain's glial cells -- traditionally considered mere 'packing materials' separating nerve cells -- may be living a secret life of their own. Fields persuasively argues that this 'other brain' may hold the key to curing brain diseases such as multiple sclerosis, migraine and stroke, as well as enhancing our understanding of the mind." -- Richard Restak, M.D., author of Mozart's Brain and The Fighter Pilot and Think Smart

"A brilliant and indispensable guide to the brave new frontier of brain science. With a storyteller's heart and a scientist's keen eye, R. Douglas Fields serves as our neural Jacques Cousteau, roving the depths of this thrilling realm to show us the vital discoveries that are being made today, and the breakthroughs that may come tomorrow. Read this book -- your brain will thank you for it." -- Daniel Coyle, author of The Talent Code

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The Other Brain:



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Felipe Silva
cadastrou em:
21/05/2011 00:39:55

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