The Pocket Pair

The Pocket Pair Emma St. Clair


The Pocket Pair (Love Stories in Sheet Cake Sweet #Book 3)

A Sweet Small-Town Romantic Comedy

Do I have feelings for my sister's best friend? Of course not.

That would be stupid, considering my sister once threatened to castrate me if I ever hurt Val.

Hurting her is the last thing I want to do, which is all the MORE reason I can't have feelings for her. Val deserves the world, and I'm NOT the man who can give it to her.

But when Val announces she's leaving town (and the country), I'm suddenly confronted with some very capital-F Feelings--ones that refuse to stay stuffed down deep where I've hidden them for more years than I care to admit.

Having her crash in my guest bedroom until she leaves only makes things worse.

Little by little, Val chips away at my defenses, and despite all the solid reasons I have, my resolve starts to crumble.

The thing is--none of the circumstances have changed.

Val is still planning to leave the country. And I ... well, I might have gotten more in touch with my feelings, but I'm still the same man.

NOT a man who can promise things like life-long commitment. NOT a man Val can count on. NOT the good guy everyone seems to think I am.

If only I could get Val and the rest of this nosy, meddling matchmaking town to believe me--and if my own stubborn heart wasn't trying to convince me otherwise.

The Pocket Pair is a best friend's brother, friends to more rom-com set in the fictional small town of Sheet Cake Texas. You'll find plenty of laughs and sizzling chemistry in this closed door romantic comedy. It's the third in a series, but can be read as a standalone.


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The Pocket Pair


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Só queria viver um romance assim
on 28/8/23

Desde o primeiro livro dessa coleção eu admirei o jeitinho da Val, ler um livro sobre ela e ver a mulher incrível que ela é me fez ficar ainda mais encantada, e assumo que grande parte do motivo disto é que ela é muito parecida comigo, e isso fez meu lado romântica entrar em colapso, será que o cupido não pode me dar uma ajudinha também?... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
03/08/2023 10:37:44
editou em:
03/08/2023 10:37:59

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