The Promise

The Promise J.L. Beck...


The Promise (North Woods University #5)

A Secret Baby Romance

Giving my virginity to a stranger was my first mistake.
Lying about my age, my second.
Never expecting to see Lex again, my third.
He promised me one night and I took it, never expecting anything in return.

Then a few months later, I see something I shouldn’t have and fate brings us back together again.

I didn’t mean to see it and I wasn’t snooping. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, but that doesn’t matter to them. I’m a liability.

Now Lex is everywhere I am. Following me, watching me, and making sure I don’t tell anyone what I saw that night.

He’s dominating, possessive, and downright controlling sometimes. He warns me of how dangerous this could be for both of us. He tells me that he doesn't want to hurt me, but he has no idea what seeing him again is doing to me.

Not when I have secrets of my own, secrets Lex isn’t ready to hear.

When all the lies are told and secrets come out, will the promises that we made in the dark be kept in the light?

**This is book five in the North Woods Series. Each book can be read as a complete standalone. Contains adult situations, and themes.**

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Promise


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The Bet

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on 18/7/21

O livro tem um enredo muito interessante e q funciona até mais da metade dele. A história de vida da Jude é muito interessante e fiquei esperando por mais detalhes, q infelizmente não vieram. Por isso achei um livro mediano. Faltou aprofundamento e fiquei muito curiosa pra saber mais detalhes da família e achei um fiasco a resolução dos problemas. Uma vida inteira de sofrimento, restrições e tudo se resolveu num passe de mágica, só "dando um berro". Não deu pra engolir tanto descaso c... leia mais


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Jéssica Freire
cadastrou em:
01/02/2021 19:01:48
editou em:
08/02/2021 23:02:54

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