The Queer Principles of Kit Webb

The Queer Principles of Kit Webb Cat Sebastian


The Queer Principles of Kit Webb (London Highwaymen #1)

Critically acclaimed author Cat Sebastian makes her trade paperback debut in a stunning historical romance about a reluctantly reformed highwayman and the aristocrat who threatens to steal his heart.

Kit Webb has left his stand-and-deliver days behind him. But dreary days at his coffee shop have begun to make him pine for the heady rush of thievery. When a handsome yet arrogant aristocrat storms into his shop, Kit quickly realizes he may be unable to deny whatever this highborn man desires.

In order to save himself and a beloved friend, Percy, Lord Holland must go against every gentlemanly behavior he holds dear to gain what he needs most: a book that once belonged to his mother, a book his father never lets out of his sight and could be Percy’s savior. More comfortable in silk-filled ballrooms than coffee shops frequented by criminals, his attempts to hire the roughly hewn highwayman, formerly known as Gladhand Jack, proves equal parts frustrating and electrifying.

Kit refuses to participate in the robbery but agrees to teach Percy how to do the deed. Percy knows he has little choice but to submit and as the lessons in thievery begin, he discovers thievery isn’t the only crime he’s desperate to commit with Kit.

But when their careful plan goes dangerously wrong and shocking revelations threaten to tear them apart, can these stolen hearts withstand the impediments in their path?

LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Queer Principles of Kit Webb


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Resenhas para The Queer Principles of Kit Webb (4)

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achei esse livro bem divertido e sempre é uma benção ler algo que não seja muito hetero em romance histórico, mas eu queria ter sido cativada um pouco mais pelos personagens, não sei se fui tão fã deles assim, uma pena, pois essa é a capa do ano.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 16
ranking 19
ranking 69
ranking 13
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cadastrou em:
08/06/2021 10:48:10
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11/11/2022 12:03:01