The Red Fairy Book: Complete and Unabridged (Andrew Lang Fairy Book Series 2) (English Edition)

The Red Fairy Book: Complete and Unabridged (Andrew Lang Fairy Book Series 2) (English Edition) Andrew Lang


The Red Fairy Book: Complete and Unabridged (Andrew Lang Fairy Book Series 2) (English Edition)

The imaginations of children throughout time have been formed and nurtured by stories passed down from generation to generation. Of the countless genres of stories, fairy tales often conjure the most vivid fantastical worlds and ideas, which cultivate creativity and bring elements of magic back into the real world. Many of these fairy tales have been collected over time into hundreds of memorable collections. However, the ones commonly considered most notable are the Fairy Books compiled by famous Scottish novelist and poet Andrew Lang. The second installment of his widely read classics, originally published in 1890, The Red Fairy Book has been admired time and time again, enchanting readers with its carefully crafted prose and eclectic assortment of fairy tales. Originating from French, Danish, Romanian, and Russian sources, as well as some bits of Norse mythology, this collection of celebrated tales has stood the test of time. Some of the famous stories included are: The Twelve Dancing Princesses The Three Dwarfs Jack and the Beanstalk The Golden Goose Rapunzel And many more! This beautiful edition comes complete with the original illustrations by Golden Age Illustrator H. J. Ford, and is the perfect gift to pass on these timeless classics to the next generation of readers and dreamers. I now believe the best word to describe me as an author is spoiled. Thats because the folks at Sky Pony have truly made me feel special about being in their stable. My editor is top-notch, and has a unique way of making me feel like her most important author. Nancy Krulik, New York Times bestselling author

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The Red Fairy Book: Complete and Unabridged (Andrew Lang Fairy Book Series 2) (English Edition)



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