The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: William L. Shirer


The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:

A History of Nazi Germany

This remarkable book is a readable, percipient and closely documented history of the Third Reich. It is also the personal story of Adolf Hitler; for Hitler and the monstrous Reich he created rose and fell together.

For only 12 years did the Fuehrer rule Germany. In that brief time he made the greatest, most destructive war in history, and extended the frontiers of his domain from the Artic tip of Norway to Stalingrad on the Volga, from the Pyrenees to the gates of Cairo.

The author tells the story from its beginnings. Everything is recorded in the most telling detail; from the early days in Vienna to the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich and, in 1933, the seizure of power from the aged Hindenburg.

This tremendous work, based on voluminous captured documents never before fully analysed for the public, records one of the most appalling chapters in the history of mankind. And it exposes, as never before, the true and terrible nature of dictatorship

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The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:


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on 8/1/24

Repórter de jornal e rádio, o autor William L. Shirer viveu e trabalhou durante a década de 1930 e início da década de 1940. Ao longo do livro, Shirer baseia-se parcialmente em suas próprias observações e experiências em primeira mão. As suas principais fontes, no entanto, são os registros do Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros alemão, das forças armadas, do Partido Nazista e da polícia secreta. Perto do final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, os Aliados capturaram centenas de milhares de do... leia mais


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