The Royal

The Royal's Pet: Adora Crooks


The Royal's Pet: (The Royal's Love Book #1)

A MMF Ménage Royal Romance

Note to self: when engaging in a ménage à trois
with a swoon-worthy prince and his alpha bodyguard...
Turn off your camera!

What the readers are saying...
"Separately, they are good - all three together are magical..."
"This is on my favorites list and I’m recommending it to everyone!!!"
"I loved the humor, banter, intrigue, and hot steamy scenes between the three of them."

I was nobody, a lone American backpacking her way through Europe, until my steamy night with the Prince of England accidentally went viral.

Uhhhh. YOLO, I guess?

Now the queen wants my head on a platter, his bodyguard keeps shooting me icy glares that would make a penguin shiver, and the prince…well. He thinks this is all "bloody hysterical."

My instinct to flee is increasing, but when these two British hunks get their hands on me and their tongues everywhere…

It's enough to make this kitten purr.

Prince Roland:
I'm trapped in my mum's ivory tower. She's kept me locked up for my own protection ever since my father's assassination.

But now? I'm itching to break free.

Rory and her luscious lips, wild ginger hair, and bedroom eyes might just be the key to my release. One taste of her and I don't want to stop...

My mate and I are going to tear her apart.

I hate it when he calls me "mate."

I want to be so much more than mates. And he has no bloody idea.

Rory changes everything. Now, I can't stop imagining the three of us together:

The royal brat, his loyal bodyguard, and our sweet, submissive pet...

Get on your knees for your prince, kitten...

Prepare for a ROYALLY wicked time with this steamy MMF bisexual romance! Brace yourself for a royal masquerade ball, a dash of action and suspense, and an unconventional happy-every-after for everyone involved. No cheating, no cliffhangers; this 75K word standalone novel is guaranteed to heat up your Kindle!


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The Royal


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Um otimo livro pra ressaca
on 28/2/23

Rapido Com hot muito bom Aquele trisal clássico E com o bom velho golpe na realeza que todo mundo ama com um "vilao" que a gente vê vindo a calope ksksksk A escrita é bem gostosa, flui muito bem , jm otimo livro pra passar o tempo , bem o tipo de leitura que vc pega pra se distrair com um gostinho de quero mais... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
04/12/2022 20:42:59
editou em:
04/12/2022 20:45:25

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