The Scholar

The Scholar Tess Thompson


The Scholar (Emerson Pass Historicals #3)

Shes marrying him out of necessity. Hes secretly hoping to sway her heart. Will their friendship deepen into happily ever after? Colorado, 1924. Louisa Lind is a dutiful daughter to her adoptive parents. After the boy she loves marries someone else, she vows to assist her father and mother with church work and forget all about marriage. But when tragedy strikes, the suddenly penniless young woman reluctantly accepts a marriage proposal from her dream mans twin brother. Having completed his medical school studies, Theo Barnes has returned to Emerson Pass to apprentice under the towns doctor. Smitten since childhood with the pastors adopted daughter, he gallantly offers to wed Louisa to save her from destitution even though he knows her to have been in love with his twin brother. Despite his family believing the marriage to be a mistake, Theo persistently holds out hope that all he needs is time to win Louisas heart. They both suffer from childhood wounds and began to see their connection as something much deeper. Can the two damaged souls find a way to finally move on from their painful pasts and find love? The Scholar of Emerson Pass is the wholesome third book in the Emerson Pass Historicals. A conflicted hero, authentic setting, and a story of unexpected attraction after a marriage of convenience make a swoon-worthy romance. Buy The Scholar of Emerson Pass to see duty become devotion today!

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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The Scholar


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on 19/10/21

No terceiro livro da Série Emerson Pass, temos a história de Theo Barnes, um dos gêmeos. Ao contrário do seu irmão Theo é mais estudioso, preocupado e sensível. Infelizmente ele também é traumatizado, pois além de ter sido ele quem encontrou o corpo da mãe morta congelada na neve, a guerra também foi uma tortura. Agora anos depois ele volta a sua cidade natal formado como um médico e acaba descobrindo que sua antiga paixão por Louisa Keller não acabou como ele achava, mas na verda... leia mais


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