The Seventh Sun

The Seventh Sun Lani Forbes


The Seventh Sun (The Age of Seventh Sun #1)

Thrust into leadership upon the death of his emperor father, young Prince Ahkin feels completely unready for his new position. Though his royal blood controls the power of the sun, he's now responsible for the lives of all the Chicome people. And despite all Ahkin's efforts, the sun is fading--and the end of the world may be at hand.

For Mayana, the only daughter of the Chicome family whose blood controls the power of water, the old emperor's death may mean that she is next. Prince Ahkin must be married before he can ascend the throne, and Mayana is one of six noble daughters presented to him as a possible wife. Those who are not chosen will be sacrificed to the gods.

Only one girl can become Ahkin's bride. Mayana and Ahkin feel an immediate connection, but the gods themselves may be against them. Both recognize that the ancient rites of blood that keep the gods appeased may be harming the Chicome more than they help. As a bloodred comet and the fading sun bring a growing sense of dread, only two young people may hope to change their world.

Rich in imagination and romance, and based on the legends and history of the Aztec and Maya people, The Seventh Sun brings to vivid life a world on the edge of apocalyptic disaster.


Edições (1)

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The Seventh Sun


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on 19/3/21

Um livro que retrata os astecas, uma história diferente em um mar de mitologias iguais. Não há cenas eróticas no livro mas a romances no meio, a escrita da autora é muito fácil de ler e existe tantos tramas no livro que você fica de queixo caído quando descobre. Amei o livro 1, história extraordinária, escrita irresistível e autora esplêndida. Já sou fã.... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 22
ranking 41
ranking 36
ranking 23
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Nathan Oliveira
cadastrou em:
01/03/2020 12:45:26

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