The Sinner and the Scholar

The Sinner and the Scholar Lana Pecherczyk


The Sinner and the Scholar (The Sinner Sisterhood #1)

Amidst darkness and sin, two unlikely souls find themselves twisted in a forbidden affair that could cost them everything.

Ripped from an orphanage for her wicked ways, Thea was trained as a seductive assassin for the Hildegard Sisterhood and given a purpose as a Sinner: to bring balance to a world designed by men. She never expected to be brought to her knees by the arrival of an arrogant scholar from the all-male Team Saint.

Wesley is a relentless demon hunter for the most mysterious entity in the world—the Vatican. His mission is simple: destroy evil wherever it may hide. But when he meets the sassy and smart Thea, he can’t resist falling into temptation. She's the one he’s searched for his entire life, but she belongs to an organization he’s sworn to destroy.

Danger, deception, and desire collide when they discover a lost prophecy has the key to saving a loved one in each of their lives—but it will only work for one.

“Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned… I killed a man.”

The Sinner Sisterhood is a dark, steamy paranormal romance series featuring five bad girls fated to save the world… but only if they first make peace with their dark sides. If you enjoy stories like Buffy, Constantine, The DaVinci Code, and Supernatural… but want more soul-shattering romance, found family shenanigans, unapologetic heroines, and the men who would sacrifice the world to love them, then this is for you.

**Please Note: This series touches on taboo and dark topics, has explicit sexual content, violence, and is unsuitable for the young or those sensitive about religion, horror, and demons. HEA guaranteed.

Fantasia / Ficção / Romance

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The Sinner and the Scholar


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on 19/7/23

Não esperava me envolver tanto na história, mas que surpresa boa achar the sinner and the scholar. paranormal, MCs cativantes (e ?), mulheres f*donas, discursos feministas e anti-patriarcado e hots deliciosos ?? entre um pico e outro acho que deu uma decaída mas depois o ritmo volta, trazendo outras surpresas. vi que a continuação vai focar, pelo jeito, no zeke e na leilah, mas espero que o plot não mude. achei interessante e diferente do que to acostumada. foi uma boa leitura ? só um... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
05/06/2023 14:32:42
editou em:
05/06/2023 14:32:59

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