The Throne of Honor and Blood

The Throne of Honor and Blood J. Bree


The Throne of Honor and Blood (The Mortal Fates #2)

From J. Bree, bestselling author of The Bonds That Tie, comes the second installment in her epic and enthralling romantasy series.
In our arrogance, the high fae forgot everything that mattered.

I carved out a reputation as the Savage Prince for my brutality against witches, but unable to wield our magic, I couldn’t stop my kingdom from being torn apart by war and famine while the Fates demanded my patience.

The worst was still to come.

After almost a thousand years of waiting for my Fates-blessed mate, and thousands of witches dead by my hand, the Fates revealed their cruelest truth yet.

With silver eyes that sliced to the bone and a humility that defied all reason, the witch I’m bound to has tested every inch of my restraint, but that was only the beginning.

Everything I once knew as true has come into question.

Loyalties will be tested, treaties broken, treason committed, and only the strongest will survive.

I am Prince Soren Celestial.

The rightful heir to the throne of the Southern Lands.

Nothing will keep me from my Fates-blessed mate.

Not even her hatred for me.

*The Throne of Honor and Blood is a full-length MF epic fantasy romance with material that may be difficult for some readers. This book will end on a cliffhanger. It's recommended for 18+ due to language and sexual situations. Book 2 of a 3-book series.

Edições (1)

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The Throne of Honor and Blood


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Resenhas para The Throne of Honor and Blood (2)

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Um pouco decepcionante, mas amei.
2 weeks, 4 days ago

"The Throne of Honor and Blood", segundo livro da série The Mortal Fates, não foi tão bom quanto o primeiro, mas ainda assim, eu amei Rookesbane. Ainda continua sendo uma das minhas protagonistas preferidas. Não tenho uma crítica sobre ela; em compensação, vamos falar de Soren. Uma versão bem escrita do Tamlin. Eu gosto dele, mas não é um personagem que vai agradar todo mundo. Ele é a definição do que é um personagem moralmente cinza, na minha opinião: agressivo, possessivo, ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
22/05/2024 13:13:12
editou em:
22/05/2024 13:13:39

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