The Voyage Out

The Voyage Out Virginia Woolf


The Voyage Out

We meet young, free-spirited Rachel Vinrace aboard her father's ship, the Euphrosyne, departing London for South America. Surrounded by a clutch of genteel companions—among them her aunt Helen, who judges Rachel to be "vacillating," "emotional," and "more than normally incompetent for her years"—Rachel displays a startling maturity when she finds her engagement to the writer Terence Hewet listing toward disaster. As she soon discovers, "tragedies come in the hungry hours."

Published in 1915, The Voyage Out is Virginia Woolf's first novel, and it is written in a more traditional narrative style than the one she later perfected. But this maiden voyage predicts Woolf's future triumphs in its elegant delineation of the troubles plaguing modern life and its satire of the upper class. As Rachel's peculiar fellow passengers expand their minds with the ideas of Aristotle and Shelley, they meanwhile suffer from the societal ennui that education and sophistication cannot overcome.

Filled with cutting insights about politics, literature, gender, and modern relationships, The Voyage Out is a finely perceived impression of the overriding confusion that immediately followed World War I.

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The Voyage Out
The Voyage Out
The Voyage Out
The Voyage Out


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Coleção Virginia Woolf

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on 2/8/19

Sinopse - Publicado em 1915, A Viagem é o primeiro romance de Virginia Woolf e também um dos mais brilhantes e difíceis livros de sua carreira. Embora a autora tenha sofrido consideráveis perdas familiares durante a redação da obra, nela já estão presentes as magníficas características de sua linguagem e de seu estilo.Apesar de ter sido uma crítica ferina tanto da romantização, quanto da caracterização pseudo realista dos enredos e personagens, Virginia Woolf deixa transparecer aqui ... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 19
ranking 32
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Pedro Oliveira
cadastrou em:
04/10/2011 11:42:41

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