The Water-Babies

The Water-Babies Charles Kingsley


The Water-Babies (Macmillan Collector's Library)

After being chased from the upper-class home of a young girl called Ellie, chimney-sweep Tom falls asleep and falls into a river. There he is transformed into a 'water-baby' and his adventures truly begin. Beneath the surface, he enters a magical world full of strange and wonderful creatures, where he must prove his moral worth in order to earn what he truly desires.

One of the most unusual children's books ever written, The Water-Babies, subtitled 'A Fairy Tale for a Land-Baby', was originally intended as a satire in support of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, and explores the issues at the forefront of biologists' minds at the time. First published as a complete novel in 1863, Charles Kingsley's classic tale also explores ideas about religion, the Victorian education system and the working conditions of children and the poor.

With glorious black and white illustrations by W. Heath Robinson and an introduction by Christina Hardyment.

Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautifully bound gift editions of much loved classic titles. Bound in real cloth, printed on high quality paper, and featuring ribbon markers and gilt edges, Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.


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The Water-Babies


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Biologia e fantasia
on 12/1/21

Eu não sou, exatamente, o público alvo desse livro. Hahahahah. O livro fala sobre moral e escolhas para meninos de cinco a oito anos, e eu sou mulher adulta. Ainda assim, foi uma leitura interessante. Uma boa inspiração. Fora isso, é um livro surreal demais e eu não me dou muito bem com histórias surreais. O livro tem uma primeira parte muito interessante, que é a vida de Tom como limpador de chaminés, mas, logo em seguida, vai entrando em camadas mais e mais estranhas, em mundos qu... leia mais


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08/01/2021 09:04:51

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