The Wedding Confession

The Wedding Confession JJ Knight


The Wedding Confession

(Wedding Meet Cute Book 1)

She sparkles. He growls. Baring their true feelings could be the start of a wild love story—or the end of it—in a sexy romantic comedy by a USA Today bestselling author.

One spilled glass of wine and bridesmaid Ensley James is ejected from a country club wedding in the rain. Ensley looks on the bright side. That would be her longtime crush Drew Daniels. The moody, broody, skin-pricklingly sexy groomsman is tossed out with her. Waiting out a hot spring storm in a cozy shed for two, it’s time for Drew’s confession: he’s strictly a one-nighter. Ensley’s dare? Give her three date nights and see where it goes.

A veterinarian like Drew is great when it comes to puppy love, but he has his reasons for his rules about women: no true feelings, just flings. So why agree to Ensley’s three-date challenge? Easy. Miss Ray of Freaking Sunshine is absolutely irresistible. Night after night, Ensley and Drew can’t ignore the heat, the growing intimacy—and the unexpected complications. Drew’s walls may be crumbling, but Ensley’s still at risk of being another tryst.

Especially with Ensley’s final confession. This one could be their rockiest challenge yet.


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The Wedding Confession
The Wedding Confession


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Depois de Ensley ser expulsa do casamento de sua amiga, ela recebe a ajuda de padrinho sexy e mal humorado Drew Daniels. Mas ele não é um padrinho qualquer, ele era o melhor amigo do irmão da Ensley e o amor de infância da Ensley. Drew é ótimo veterinário e amos animais. Mas ele não se apaixona por ninguém. Uma das suas regras é um date só com cada mulher. Ele nunca tem um segundo date. Eles fazem uma aposta e ganha três dates com ele. Ele aceitou aposta porque ela é irres... leia mais


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Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah
cadastrou em:
28/06/2023 23:55:18
Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah
editou em:
28/06/2023 23:55:32

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