The Wrath of God

The Wrath of God Jay Penner


The Wrath of God

The Wrath of God brings to life a thrilling and vivid story of Atlantis and Egypt with breathless pace, rich characters, and plenty of twists-and-turns. When the fires stop burning, two great civilizations will know if the gods were with them or against them. The empire of the Atalanni has enjoyed centuries of peace and wealth through sheer dominance of the seas. The only things the aging king worries about are his succession and his uneasy relation with the powerful Oracle. In neighboring Egypt, Ahmose battles his grief--the wretched Hyksos have murdered his father, and his injured brother lies dying in his bed. The young Pharaoh is preparing to drive out the impostors and make his great kingdom whole again after a hundred years of shame. But when earth trembles and lava erupts from temple floors in the capital, a sinister plot plunges the Atalanni into a war with Egypt. The gods seek complete victory, the Oracle announces, or the Atalanni will face their wrath. The Atalanni hopes of a quick victory through the help of their divine weaponry and exploiting the Pharaoh's troubles is dashed as nothing is as it seems--duty conflicts with morality, treachery hides behind a veil of piety, and hubris confronts cold reality. As the gods grow impatient, the leaders must make terrible choices: A General between saving his men or the life of the woman he loves, An Oracle between guiding her land to a weak status quo or a bloody war, A Pharaoh between suing for peace or losing his entire kingdom, and a King between the competence of his general or the glory of his son. Who will persevere and who will perish? When the fires stop burning, two great civilizations will find out if the gods were with them or against them. Dear Reader, If you are looking for exciting page-turners set in the ancient world, you've come to the right place. Check out my other works on The Wrath of God is the follow-up to The Atlantis Papyrus and takes you to an ancient world a thousand years prior. The books can be read independent of each other, though they are connected. If you enjoy this book, you must check out The Atlantis Papyrus! Your Amazon reviews are lifeblood, and in return, I send all the good vibes and wishes for great health your way. Thank you! Jay.

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