The Writing Retreat

The Writing Retreat Julia Bartz


The Writing Retreat

The Plot meets Please Join Us in this psychological suspense debut about a young author at an exclusive writer’s retreat that descends into a nightmare.

Alex has all but given up on her dreams of becoming a published author when she receives a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: attend an exclusive, month-long writing retreat at the estate of feminist horror writer Roza Vallo. Even the knowledge that Wren, her former best friend and current rival, is attending doesn’t dampen her excitement.

But when the attendees arrive, Roza drops a bombshell—they must all complete an entire novel from scratch during the next month, and the author of the best one will receive a life-changing seven-figure publishing deal. Determined to win this seemingly impossible contest, Alex buckles down and tries to ignore the strange happenings at the estate, including Roza’s erratic behavior, Wren’s cruel mind games, and the alleged haunting of the mansion itself. But when one of the writers vanishes during a snowstorm, Alex realizes that something very sinister is afoot. With the clock running out, she’s desperate to discover the truth and save herself.

A claustrophobic and propulsive thriller exploring the dark side of friendships and fame, The Writing Retreat is the unputdownable debut novel from a compelling new talent.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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The Writing Retreat


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Resenhas para The Writing Retreat (1)

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Resenha: The Writing Retreat
on 21/7/23

Não sei por que tanta gente não gostou de The Writing Retreat? Porque foi muito divertido! Um desastre do qual eu não conseguia desviar o olhar. Uma confusão enorme de personagens e enredo. Alguns livros só precisam nos entreter e este com certeza fez isso por mim. O estilo de escrita me incomodou um pouco no começo, mas rapidamente mergulhei na perspectiva de Alex. Ela era uma narradora não confiável que eu acabei gostando e foi muito divertido experimentar tudo isso da perspectiva... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 26
ranking 15
ranking 46
ranking 19
ranking 15
ranking 4



cadastrou em:
12/11/2022 18:00:16
editou em:
12/11/2022 18:00:39

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