These Shallow Graves

These Shallow Graves Jennifer Donnelly


These Shallow Graves

Josephine Montfort is from one of New York's oldest, most respected, and wealthiest families. Like most well-off girls of the Gilded Age, her future looks set - after a finishing school education, she will be favourably married off to a handsome gentleman, after which she'll want for nothing. But Jo has other dreams and desires that make her long for a very different kind of future. She wants a more meaningful and exciting life: she wants to be an investigative journalist like her heroine Nellie Bly.

But when Jo's father is found dead in his study after an alleged accident, her life becomes far more exciting than even Jo would wish. Unable to accept that her father could have been so careless, she begins to investigate his death with the help of a young reporter, Eddie Gallagher. It quickly becomes clear he was murdered, and in their race against time to discover the culprit and his motive, Jo and Eddie find themselves not only battling dark characters on the violent and gritty streets of New York, but also their growing feelings for each other.

Jovem adulto / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (3)

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These Shallow Graves
These Shallow Graves
These Shallow Graves


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Esse livro foi uma sugestão de uma amiga no GR, e quando passei por ele na livraria, eu tive que comprá-lo. Foi uma das surpresas do ano até o momento, porque eu realmente adorei! These Shallow Graves é um mistério, cujo foco na verdade é a história de Jo Montfort, uma garota da sociedade Nova-Iorquina que acaba de perder o pai e vai se envolver na trama da morte dele, envolta de traições e reviravoltas, trazendo à luz conspirações envolvendo membros de sua sociedade que fariam tudo pa... leia mais


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05/08/2018 23:50:11

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