To Hell and the West [Devil

To Hell and the West [Devil's Due: Dirty Cowboy] Anitra Lynn McLeod


To Hell and the West [Devil's Due: Dirty Cowboy]

Devil's Due [Siren Classic: Erotic Fantasy Romance, sex toys] How far would you go to save the person you love? Rarely does the Devil admit a soul-carrying human entrance to hell, but Abigail's innocence compels him. In her determination to retrieve her husband's soul, she will do anything he desires, even barter with her luscious body. After giving him the most mind-blowing sex ever, her innocent act falls away, and the Devil is stunned to realize she's trapped them both. As they engage in increasingly erotic sex play, each trying to win their deal, the Devil is shocked to realize he has feelings for Abigail. As much as the Devil wants to give Abigail the soul she seeks, he can't. Worse, she can't go without her husband's soul. But once the Devil's boss, Satan, gets wind of their burgeoning love and unbreakable deal, he is determined to banish Abigail from hell and punish his wayward Devil. ** Dirty Cowboy [Siren Classic ManLove: Erotic Alternative Western Romance, M/M, public exhibition] To forgive you must forget, but what if forgetting costs you everything? As the sole survivor of a cursed cattle drive, Everett Henry kept pushing onward. When he comes across a buck naked man unconscious near a spring, his compassion and his libido are equally aroused. When the man wakes and doesn't remember how he ended up there, Everett offers out a hand of friendship that quickly turns into a lover's embrace. Dalton Hicks slowly regains his memory while sharing a fire and a bedroll with the most generous man he's ever met. Dalton's longings for acceptance and his cravings for passion are answered in Everett's arms, but Dalton has a secret, one that will cost him everything if revealed. Faced with a life or death situation, Dalton must choose between keeping Everett alive, but letting him go, or allowing death to take the man of his dreams. ** A Siren Erotic Romance

Erótico / Fantasia / LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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To Hell and the West [Devil



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Bárbara Vitória
cadastrou em:
09/07/2017 21:37:42
Bárbara Vitória
editou em:
09/07/2017 21:38:55

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