Turnabout Is Fairy Play

Turnabout Is Fairy Play Andie Fenichel


Turnabout Is Fairy Play (Monster Between The Sheets: Season 2 #03)


I rarely eat the food at my upscale Italian restaurant. Vampires need blood, not pasta. I crave the hunt, but I’m not a killer. A lady-killer, yes. There’s something about the vampire in me that lures women. The only woman immune to my allure is my dearest and oldest friend, Lily. She helped me survive my transition to vampirism, despite also becoming a monster of sorts. Kind and full of life, Lily is everything I’m not. My unbeating heart wants more than friendship with the fairy, but I’m afraid to ruin our friendship. Besides, what would she want with a broody vampire?


As a fairy, people rarely take me seriously. With my glow and wings, I understand why they look at me and think of Tinker Bell, not Aristotle, but the degree I’m working toward will prove them wrong. As if by some miracle, I think I may finally have a boyfriend, too. He’s not the man I really want, but my vampire friend Lorenzo is off-limits. Besides, a human boyfriend may be a better choice since every woman in town isn’t chasing him. If only my heart would accept that Lorenzo isn’t the man for me…

Series blurb:
Who says monsters can’t fall in love? In Screaming Woods, anything is possible. Welcome back to the little town turned monstrous by a party potion gone wrong. Your favorite instalove authors are bringing you hairier and scarier monsters than ever before in this beastly series coming to your kindle in May 2023.

Contos / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Turnabout Is Fairy Play


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on 6/6/23

Após tomarem o ponche batizado na fatídica festa de Halloween 20 anos atrás, Lily foi transformada numa fada, e Lorenzo num vampiro. Eles eram melhores amigos antes e continuaram sendo depois disso. Só que um era apaixonado pelo outro, e eles não sabiam disso, não fazendo nada a respeito com medo de estragar essa amizade. Até Lily finalmente começar a sair com alguém e Lorenzo não conseguir mais esconder o que sentia por ela. Eu gosto de histórias envolvendo amigos que se apaixonam e ... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
06/06/2023 00:24:43
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
06/06/2023 00:32:04

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