Two Last First Dates

Two Last First Dates Kate O'Keeffe


Two Last First Dates (Cozy Cottage Café #Book 2)

A Sweet Romantic Comedy of Love, Friendship and More Cake

To Paige Miller Two Last First Dates sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

Paige Miller is a hot mess. She's stuck in a job she hates, the guy she fell for is in love with someone else, and she's agreed to a dating pact to marry the next guy she dates.

Paige is having a rough time. She's unhappy in her career, and her One Last First Date ended in total disaster. Now, she has to figure out what to do professionally and personally. Life as a spinster with fifteen cats doesn't sound too bad, though.

Deciding to give up on love, Paige begrudgingly befriends Josh Bentley, the friendly coffee delivery guy, while helping out at the Cozy Cottage Café. His T-shirts make her eyes roll, but their runs have become an important part of her day and a blessing to her waistline, because Bailey's cakes are too good to pass up.

Meanwhile, her best friends offer to find Mr. Right for her, and all Paige has to do is let them. Then, the man of her dreams walks through the door. Marcus Hahn is as good-looking as he is charming, and any thoughts Paige had of being alone with those fifteen cats fly out the window. Now, she just has to hope her friends choose him as her Last First Date.

But in the end, are Two Last First Dates enough to find The One?

Two Last First Dates is the second book in the Cozy Cottage Café series, but can be read as a standalone. It features fun and laughter, a swoon-worthy guy who will sweep you off your feet, and a lot of cake! And a feel-good, happy ending is guaranteed!

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Two Last First Dates


(3) ver mais
One Last First Date
Three Last First Dates
Four Last First Dates

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on 15/5/21

Dei 4 estrelas porque achei q o livro demorou muito pra me conquistar, até a metade estava sendo massacre ler, mas depois fui fisgada e amei a Paige. Como sempre eu lendo um livro do meio de uma série, mas não senti q fez diferença, não precisei ler o primeiro pra entender esse.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
11/05/2021 12:18:21
editou em:
11/05/2021 12:19:39

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