
U-571 Max Allan Collins...



Hell is Under Water Their mission was a audacious and daring as it was dangerous. A crew of American sailors in a disguised submarine would rendezvous with U-571--a crippled German U-boat in enemy waters--storm aboard, and capture one of the Nazis' coveted Enigma encryption machines, a device that would allow the Allies to decode secret German transmissions. The planning was meticulous. The secrecy was airtight. Every eventuality was prepared for. Except one. Now, with their own sub lying in pieces on the Atlantic floor, an unseasoned young U.S. naval officer and a handful of his men are trapped in a limping enemy boat trying to make its way across a thousand square-mile killing zone. Suddenly they are the hunted prey of the Reich's killer ships, and the target of Allied bombers. They have a prize in their possession that can turn the tide of the savage global conflict once and for all. And they have nowhere to run.While on a secret mission targeting the Nazi "Enigma" encryption device, a team of American sailors and marines poses as the German rescue team for a crippled submarine. But before they can grab the device and escape, the real rescue unit arrives and destroys their American vessel. Now they are forced to secretly navigate the malfunctioning submarine through enemy lines. This Dino De Laurentiis production is written and directed by Jonathan Mostow (Breakdown), and stars Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel and Jon Bon Jovi.While on a secret mission targeting the Nazi "Enigma" encryption device, a team of American sailors and marines poses as the German rescue team for a crippled submarine. But before they can grab the device and escape, the real rescue unit arrives and destroys their American vessel. Now they are forced to secretly navigate the malfunctioning submarine through enemy lines. This Dino De Laurentiis production is written and directed by Jonathan Mostow (Breakdown), and stars Matthew McConaughey, Bill Paxton, Harvey Keitel and Jon Bon Jovi.

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28/03/2021 11:48:49

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