Unbroken: The complete story

Unbroken: The complete story Riley Edwards


Unbroken: The complete story

A husband gone too soon. A family left in tatters. A hero who sees beauty where others see broken.

Ava Kelley lost more than her husband, so much more, that five years later, the mere memory of it is still paralyzing. After struggling to piece her life back together, a ghost from Ava’s past threatens to haunt her and her son’s future. With everything spiraling out of control, and another painful twist putting their safety on the line, Ava has no choice but to ask Logan Reid for help. The only problem is, Reid doesn’t see a broken widow, and he’s determined to make her see what he does — strong, capable, beautiful woman.

For years, Logan Reid has watched Ava fade away. He’s done. It’s time for him to pull her from the darkness and into the light where she belongs. When Ava and her son’s lives are terrorized, Reid’s all in and wastes no time moving in and taking over. He’s made his intentions clear; he wants forever with the woman he loves and the young boy who owns his heart. All he needs to do is convince Ava to take a chance before it’s too late.

This is our story. How one man can mend the pieces of a broken heart. Turn a bland colorless world into vivid technicolor. Our journey wasn’t easy. Tragedy after tragedy tried to break us. Only, this time, I proved with Reid by my side, I was stronger than ever. I have come full circle— I am UNBROKEN.

THIS BOOK WAS PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED in a two part duet. There are NO significant changes in this merged edition.


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Unbroken: The complete story



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cris reinbold
cadastrou em:
27/12/2023 11:30:22
cris reinbold
editou em:
27/12/2023 11:30:47

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