Venerable Bede

Venerable Bede Saint Bede the Venerable


Venerable Bede

Explanation of the Apocalypse

One of the most important intellectuals, writers, and scholars of his day, the Venerable Bede earned the title “The Father of English History” after chronicling one of the most significant books on Anglo-Saxon history and the early expansion of Christianity in England. Contained in this three volume collection is Bede’s masterwork The Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, a remarkable anthology of his selected short writings and letters, and his commentary on the Book of Revelation, Explanation of the Apocalypse. A virtuosic storyteller and historian, the Works of the Venerable Bede displays an incredible breadth of scholarship from an extraordinary man of faith.

Ordained at age nineteen as a deacon, then a priest at age thirty, Bede spent almost his entire life living and studying in the monastic community of Jarrow, the intellectual epicenter of Northern England. It was there where he learned Latin, Greek, and Hebrew and began his prolific writing on history, theology, poetry, translation, and biblical interpretation.

As entertaining as they are informative, the Works of the Venerable Bede (3 vols.) are some of the most invaluable resources of European Christian history ever written. With Logos Bible Software, these books are completely searchable, with passages of scripture appearing on mouse-over, as well as being linked to Latin texts and English translations in your library.

Written about 710–716, Explanation of the Apocalypse is one of the earliest commentaries on the Book of Revelation ever written. Bede’s succinct but in-depth commentary, separated into three books, is unique in its division of Revelation into seven distinct sections. Included in this volume is a letter to Eusebius, where Bede explains his reasons for structuring his commentary the way he did, as well as an index of the passages of Scripture that he references.

Religião e Espiritualidade

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Venerable Bede



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Danilo Martini
cadastrou em:
06/05/2022 07:42:51
Danilo Martini
editou em:
06/05/2022 07:43:54

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