What I Didn

What I Didn't Say Keary Taylor


What I Didn't Say

Getting drunk homecoming night your senior year is never a good idea, but Jake Hayes never expected it all to end with a car crash and a t-post embedded in his throat.

His biggest regret about it all? What he never said to Samantha Shay. He's been in love with her for years and never had the guts to tell her. Now it's too late. Because after that night, Jake will never be able to talk again.

When Jake returns to his small island home, population 5,000, he'll have to learn how to deal with being mute. He also finds that his family isn't limited to his six brothers and sisters, that sometimes an entire island is watching out for you. And when he gets the chance to spend more time with Samantha, she'll help him learn that not being able to talk isn’t the worst thing that could ever happen to you. Maybe, if she'll let him, Jake will finally tell her what he didn't say before, even if he can't actually say it.

Ficção / Jovem adulto

Edições (2)

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What I Didn
What I Didn


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What I Didn't Say
on 11/5/21

O livro conta a história de Jake, um adolescente de 18 anos que está cursando o último ano do ensino médio e que sonha ser piloto da Aeronáutica. Há anos o protagonista é apaixonado por Samantha – uma menina inteligente, de poucos amigos e que se mudou para a cidade dele no primeiro ano do ensino médio -, mas nunca teve coragem de dizer isso a ela. Um dia, em uma festa com os colegas da escola, depois de beber várias cervejas, Jake foi incentivado por seus amigos a se declarar para ... leia mais


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Juliana Piovani
cadastrou em:
21/07/2015 16:00:36