When She Unravels

When She Unravels Gabrielle Sands


When She Unravels (The Fallen #1)

A Dark Mafia Romance

He's the most powerful man in Ibiza, and he'll do anything to make me his.

I've been raised to be the perfect mafia wife, but when my marriage turns into a horrific nightmare, I have no choice but to leave everything behind and start a new life.

I find myself alone in Ibiza―a place that swallows innocent girls like me alive. I'm robbed the day I arrive, left with nothing but a few euros and the clothes on my back.

My desperation leads me right to Damiano De Rossi. He rules over this island with an iron fist and beneath his strikingly handsome face lies a wicked darkness. I ask him for a job. He gives me far more than that―degradation, jealousy, and toe-curling lust.

When my resistance to him is all but gone, a secret is revealed, and we fall apart like a house of cards.

I know what I have to do. Run.

But when I try, I discover...he's already got me bound.

When She Unravels is an 18+ dark mafia romance with mature themes, profanity, and plenty of steam. It's book one in The Fallen series but can be read as a standalone.

Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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When She Unravels


(3) ver mais
When She Tempts
When She Falls
When She e Falls

Resenhas para When She Unravels (15)

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- I?d die for u, Vale - I?d prefer u live for me instead.
on 15/9/23

A história é bem interessante, mas a autora podia ter entregado muito mais. Comecei o livro não dando muita moral, depois comecei a gostar e ficar animada mas no final senti que faltava mais detalhes, dava pra contar mais história. Os hots são bem fraquinhos e tem 0 dark, então se você quer ler esse livro por conta disso, você não vai encontrar muito kkkk No geral, é um livro tranquilo de ler, é um pouco girl boss e o boy é legal e babaca ao mesmo tempo (estranhamente, a gente ama)... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 132
ranking 16
ranking 35
ranking 44
ranking 4
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
04/10/2022 16:42:53
editou em:
12/02/2023 11:36:13

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